Fabric of Gratitude – So Grateful for the Choral Singing!
I was supposed to be on stage – SINGING! But the voice wasn’t ready, so I sat with my good friend in the audience and listened. After the first piece – a performance of Robert Cohen’s “Fabric of Gratitude” – Mary leaned over to me and whispered, “I just found my family Thanksgiving dinner prayer.” I smiled, knowing that it was the words of chorale members woven together by the lyricist, Ronald Cadmus, that created that amazing text. I think the combination of choral literature chosen for this concert has been my favorite of all the fall seasons I have sung. From the pristine joy of the performance of Handel’s “But Thanks be to God”, to Jubilate’s touching performance of “The Simplest Things” and Vivace’s passionate singing of ‘I am’. “Never One Thing” with its profound text to the stellar performance of “Jubilate Deo” under the direction of Michael Semancik…I was filled with gratitude for the choral art, the human wisdom and beauty expressed through the weaving of text and song. We sing profound truths that make us larger for the internalizing through practice. About 500 of us in the audience are grateful for beauty shared with us by the Deer Creek Chorale ensembles. Bravo!
Patty Ballinger, DCC Board of Directors
Click HERE to view the concert on YouTube.