Support Us

Your support brings choral music to the greater community!

The Deer Creek Chorale of Harford County, Maryland is a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organization, with the dual mission of bringing choral artistry to the region and serving the greater community both locally and globally. There is no other choral organization like us! You help us grow! Ticket sales from our performances only cover a portion of our needed revenues. You can provide encouragement and support to help us meet our performance and community outreach goals.


Donate Now
Ticket revenues only cover a portion of the costs of a concert. Gifts to our Annual Fund are essential to our performances. See information about our funding levels here.

Advertise in our Programs
Each ad is showcased in both our Winter and Spring concert programs. Advertise your business, offer tribute in a memorial, or give a friend your best wishes for a successful performance. Our members actively support our advertisers.

There are many opportunities to be part of the Deer Creek Chorale and its choirs. A successful season for all the choirs involves more behind-the-scenes work than meets the eye. Usher for a performance? Sell tickets? Contact Melissa Sweeney, Director of Administration, at 410-575-3221 if you would like to help.

From time to time the DCC has fundraisers to support the organization. Join us for our signature event, Big Band in the Barn, October 14, 2023 at Star Bright Farm. Details and tickets available soon!

Commission New Works
Deer Creek Chorale has commissioned new works since 2013. A Dedication by John Rutter and Someday is Today by Andre Thomas were part of a consortium sponsored by the national support organization Chorus America. For the 2019/2020 season we again joined the consortium and were able to debut a work by composer Ola Gjeilo.  As a result of our participation, we had the honor of premiering the compositions in Maryland.



On behalf of the singers in the Deer Creek Chorale and the Deer Creek Youth Choir, we would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to the following supporters for advertising in our 2023 Fall Program “Fabric of Gratitude.”

B. Bang Designs
Marty Banghart – Vocal Lessons
Tracey Banghart – Author
Basta Pasta
Jarrettsville Family Eye Care
Miriam’s Gunpowder Gardens
Music Land
Starlight Theatricals
Venable LLP

Additional thanks to our corporate sponsors for their support.


The Mary Jean and Oliver Travers Foundation
