Tis the Season? – Reflections on “Rejoice! A Community Musical Celebration”
Rejoice! A Community Musical Celebration was held on Sunday, December 10th at St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church in Bel Air. The afternoon concert brought together musical organizations from across Harford County for a time of joyful performances highlighting the holiday season. Dr. Bob Willenbrink, Executive Director of the Maryland Center for the Arts said “The Maryland Center for the Arts is grateful for our partnership with the Deer Creek Chorale. We are thrilled by the success of Rejoice! A Community Musical Celebration in which the Chamber and Youth Choirs played such a big part, and in which your members contributed greatly as volunteers and audience…The inspiring and uplifting music, fun, and camaraderie of the singers, musicians, and audience brought happiness and relief to our community in these stressful times.”
Jeff Roemer, DCC Chamber Choir member, reflected on his experience in Rejoice with these thoughts:
On Sunday, the 10th of December, it finally arrived for me. With the hustle and bustle of daily life and obligations, I was concerned that I was not musically prepared to perform our pieces to the standard that is our hallmark. Then it happened. Prior to this performance, a wave of groups, violinists, children, community choirs and acapella singers put their final touches on their pieces before the concert. All were calling for the celebration of the joy that is Christmas. The spirit enveloped my heart as I heard musicians imploring for that elation, that warmth, that sense of anticipation of something magical that is about to unfold.
As we were about to begin, the introductory notes issued from Ray, our accompanist, as Greg, our director, raised his hands for attention. It was then it occurred to me: all will be well, enjoy the performing, embrace the compositions, smile, sing, celebrate and let there be joy. The notes flowed, the harmonies meshed, the eyes in the audience flashed and the smiles became grins. At the conclusion, after every group performed their brilliant selections with talent and passion as well as the group sing-alongs, it was apparent that music can soothe. It can heal. Music can bring joy and ease a troubled heart, if only for a while. Now I know, “Tis the season!”