A reflection on Ebb and Flow’s concert “Sing We With Pleasure”

A reflection on Ebb and Flow’s concert “Sing We With Pleasure”

Members and guests of The Women’s Club of Roland Park in Baltimore enjoyed a performance of “Sing We With Pleasure” by the Deer Creek Chorale women’s ensemble Ebb and Flow on Sunday, May 7, 2023.  The seven member acapella group wowed the audience with a medley of songs from composers Thomas Tallis to Paul McCartney with their precise harmonizations.  Especially popular was “Warrior” depicting the universal voice of women with haunting indigenous rhythms. The performance received enthusiastic applause and brought several audience members to their feet.  The concert concluded with a vocal jazz setting of the poem “How Do I Love Thee” by the poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning. As Emalyn hit the high C, the ensemble was greeted with cheers and bravos.

-Suzanne Zantop