Looking back on “Light Beyond Shadow”
Sunday, April 30, dawns cloudy and rather damp. After two days of rehearsals at Kraushar Auditorium on the campus of Goucher College, the Deer Creek Chorale was gathering for what was to be a long awaited and heavily anticipated concert. Although I had sung with my brothers as a kid and in church choir for many years, I had not sung in a group like this and being a tenor newbie, I had some tentative moments. If someone had told me in September that I would learn two masses with all those Latin words AND learn a Ukranian piece in that language, I would have told them “that’s insane!” So as the clouds shadowed us into the auditorium, everyone was looking forward to a great performance. The rain had let up enough to allow those of us with mobility issues to get to the stage the “easy” way. With a fantastic orchestra waiting for Director Michael Semancik’s downbeat, a large audience in attendance, and the chorale in place, we were off. What a marvelous sound we made and we felt good about our performance. With our last piece an upbeat number called “True Light”, we definitely had created a “Light Beyond Shadow.”
Lance Ledebur
Treasurer, Deer Creek Chorale